Bazzana Gualtiero
President - ISTQB
Milano, Италия
Посещал конференции (1)
Доклады (1)
  • 02.10.2015
    The business value of sw quality

    The presentation will deal with the economic impact of sw quality.

    The impact on sw productivity of different sw engineering pracrtices will be presented, based on quantitative data collected from many projects world-wide

    Special emphasis will be given on testing, that is a key process area with a big impact on quality and productivity.

    A summary of the evolution of the testing practices and of their impact on the whole SDLC will be given, with an introduction to ISTQB (the ost adopted scheme for the certification of testing professionals) and if its evolutions

    • Просто
    • 40 мин
    • SPM Conf / 5
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