Topics and Types of Presentations
Subjects of Talks
The following key subjects will be discussed at the Conference:
- project communications;
- project and product management;
- aspects of management at the requirements design stage;
- SQA management;
- building quality assurance processes at the company level;
- management in maintenance and support;
- coordination and organization of a department, work planning;
- modern methodologies and tools of project management and staff;
- motivation, professional and career development of project managers and their teams;
- skills must have for a modern manager;
- personnel selection and interviewing;
- personnel assessment and certification;
- the preparation and implementation of training plans;
- development of incentive programs.
If there is no needed subject area, you can propose it to the review of program committee.
Types of Talks
Regular Presentations
The vast majority of presentations delivered at the Conference are regular talks. They are selected by a Program Committee using double-blind peer review process: submitting authors are not informed of who reviews their papers, and the identity of the authors is concealed from the reviewers, lest the knowledge of authorship bias their review. There will be a 40-min timeslot allocated for each presentation in the conference schedule. This timeslot includes time for both actual presentation and Q&A.
Lightning Presentations
Short (about 15-20 min) report related the topic of the conference or close to it.
Practical training speech. Duration 40 min or 1.5 hour.
Round tables
Expert discussion about chosen subject with moderation (duration up to 1.5 hours). Positions expressed proponents and opponents.